We Traveled to Idaho and Made it Back to Colorado

Well, we had to make a trip to Idaho to reclaim a house we sold a few years ago that was no longer being paid for. Here is a picture of Mike where we crossed the San Rafeal Swell in southern Utah. He even got to do a little geocaching along the way. The reclaiming of the house wasn't bad however the past due property taxes, legal fees and repairs were sort of a pain.

We spent a couple of wonderful weeks visiting kids, grandkids and friends as well as doing repairs on the house and property. Of course we didn't get to see everyone by any means and we were really bummed about that. Our planned trip to Boise just didn't happen. We did, however have a real treat of being there the same time as Mike's Aunt Jody who was visiting from Georgia. We really enjoyed our breif visit with her. We also got to visit a few true friends in Salt Lake City as we passed through.

The good news is that we are very hopeful that we have a good family friend interested in leasing the house with an option to buy within two years. The Wood River Valley in Idaho isn't an easy place to buy into especially with the economy in the shape it's in at the present time. We are excited to help our friends purchase a wonderful little place where they can begin to put their money into something of their own, not just a landlord's pocket. We wish them the very best.

We got to visit our Grandma Kohler in the Shoshone care center while we were there. She seems to be doing well and we loved getting to give her a little TLC if only for a short time.

The kids threw us an awesome party while we were there, in fact we got to share a grand party with son-in-law, Matt who just happened to be having a birthday. The gathering was at daughter, Shawna's house with much storytelling, singing and bullsh...ing taking place in her wonderful greenhouse / sun room that Matt attached to their home last fall.

As always, we were made to feel loved, wanted and "at home" wherever we laid our head each night. We feel so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.

It's great to be back home in Colorado...you know, we now remember the Idaho is where the wind blows; Colorado doesn't have any idea how it's done. Anyway Easter is upon us and I have to include a picture of our Easter Squirrel...the bunny didn't show up however, this certainly looks like it could at least be related to a rabbit.

Note: We found out that this is an Ebert squirrel. (pronounced "abear") They are only found in four mountain states and used to be on the endangered species list. No longer endangered but still not all that common. No, it's not related to a bunny.

We are very excited to have been invited to share Easter with wonderful neighbors and their family. In fact, we've been invited to two different homes so we plan to share ourselves with everyone. Life is Good!!

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