JUly 19, 2009 Summer is Here

Well, spring has finally ended and summer begun. We had rain virtually everyday through May, June and most of July. The Colorado Rockies are greener than they have been for years...or so all the locals tell us. The wildflowers have been absolutely amazing. The wild grasses are waist high everywhere. Of course the deer and elk are in excellent shape since our winter was a mild one. Members of our little community have been greatly enjoying hiking, relaxing and fishing in our small lake. July 4th was a wonderful time with lots of families with kids here. There was a grand fishing derby, golf contest, raft race and mummy wrapping contest. There were other activities too numerous to name here.

And of course the evening was finished up with Smores cooked over the charcoal at the BBQ /Horseshoe pit area. I'm quite certain that everyone who spent the weekend here had a wonderful time. It great to be surrounded by such happy folks after such a quiet winter.

The wildlife continues to amaze us. Last week we were blessed by a visit from a bobcat over at the horse barn. Our fox still visits regularly; we had a cow elk in the front yard a few weeks ago.

Yes, he's right there on the hillside above the roof. I think you should be able to click on the picture and get a fuul size version. Sorry, I was carrying the cheap camera that day.

Recently we had our very first trespassers. We have a couple of rather large cows...no, the domestic kind, show up. They seem to be very happy just munching grass and partaking of the clean, fresh water.

We're still searching for the owners. Everyone just says "Yum" when they see them. Can't believe someone hasn't missed them yet.

We became Grandparents again yesterday. Our new Grandaughter, Kaylin Ann, was born to daughter, Lissa in Florida. The new little one was born about five weeks early,however, we are told that Mom and Baby are doing well. Yes, we're pretty proud.

Well, enough for today...my finger is wearing out. See you next time.

1 comment:

Um Creations said...

Love all your fabulous photos! But I sure miss you!