May 18, 2009 - Just a Little More Firewood

Yes, I like to get an early start. There has been one certain downed tree on the property for three or four years...a good sized tree that no one seemed to relish attempting to cut up. So, Mike, being the stubborn person he is...took that as a challenge. He spent days fine tuning the chainsaw and finally hitched up his back brace and made his attempt. Low and behold, it worked. What wonderful firewood. So far we have plenty of wood for the lodge this season and a great start on firewood for the Caretakers next winter and there is still half of the tree to go.
This is what's left of the top of the tree. We are happy that Mike still has some exercise to look forward to so he can maintain his health and good looks.

The weather has been amazing. Spring has really arrived. Everything is turning so green. Mike has been putting in planting beds and building hanging planters for the greenhouse that Iris has been been filling as fast as he constructs.

The lake is full, the fish are jumping and we have a one pair of geese hanging out and a one pair of ducks. There has also been a large crane sharing out beautiful little paradise. Mike will post pictures as soon as he unloads the camera.

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